Meredith & Jay’s Raucous and Rollicking Wedding at the Sixpence in Whitestown, Indiana

Whitestown | Indiana


We sure do remember the 21st night of september!

Holy smokes are we lucky. Everytime I sit down to write a blog from our most recent wedding I think to myself “Gah! I love these people so much! I’m so sad they aren’t forced to hang out with us anymore.” 

I realize it probably sounds like a schtick. It’s not. I promise. We are legitimately so lucky to work with people who we just love being around. It makes our job so much easier and So. Much. More. Fun. 

And oh boy were we excited to get Meredith and Jay married. Despite being Purdue alumni, despite them growing up in West Lafayette, and despite having 4 billion mutual friends, we only got to meet and get to know Mer and Jay through this whole wedding planning thing, even though it feels like we’ve been lifelong friends (Jokes on you Mer & Jay, we are now. You’re stuck with us). 

All day, their guests and vendors kept asking how long we had known each other, and everytime when we responded “we met through this!” they’d stare at us in dumbfounded astonishment. 

That’s largely because Mer & Jay are the very definition of good people. Warm, welcoming, loving, hilarious, genuine, and caring, they make you feel like a million bucks right out of the gate. 

I think it’s largely because they come from such good stock. Both come from families as open and loving as they are and who all seem to love each other just as much as Mer & Jay do. I’m not exaggerating when I say that the amount of love at this wedding absolutely filled the space. We had to ask Miranda (the rockstar wedding coordinator behind Thoughtfully Designed Co.) multiple times about the size of the guest list because it felt like there were 400 people present. And the venue felt just as full at the end of the night as it did at the beginning. 

The Sixpence felt like home this week. This was our third time down there this week and we had a lot of hats to wear. We were doing photo and video for Mer & Jay, and I was also officiating the ceremony. 

We unloaded our gear and headed up to the bridal suite to find all the maids recreating pre-party sorority bathroom vibes with a ton of bangers from 2016 so they could recreate their Pi Phi days. Mer was finishing up her gorgeous mermaid hair with the immensely talented Christina Palmer so Kayla grabbed her details and posted up next to the window for some beautiful hard light flat lays and I snagged her dress and hung it up in front of the window where the sun glistened off the folds of the fabric perfectly.

The guys were getting ready over in the Workshop. Jay had all of his details ready for a closeup including a pair of custom cufflinks and a tie clip featuring his initials.

With everyone dressed,  we brought the dudes outside to take pictures with his late grandfather’s truck. You can’t overstate the importance of Jay’s Grandfather in Jay’s upbringing, and the man owned a lot of trucks. The Red F-150 was his last, and having it in attendance felt like a fitting tribute to him. 

With the bridesmaids ready and Mer in her dress, I joined back up with Kayla in the bridal suite for Jay and Mer’s gift exchange. After writing each other very similar letters (there were word-for-word similarities that had us in stitches), Mer opened her golden bangle from Jay that nobody in the bridal suite was able to quite figure out. It took a seasoned expert (Mom) to get it open so Mer could wear it. 

When it was Jay’s turn, he teared up reading his letter from Mer, and couldn't believe they had both written the same lines. Then he opened his gift which contained a gorgeous pair of Tecovas cowboy boots.